Patrick Valentino,
(The Pilgrimage)

Set the entire Bible to music? Why not!

In late 2018 a task was set before me. Years later, I'm still on this journey, and realizing
with each successive step, with each subsequent milestone, what the true reason for the challenge was - and is.
This page is set up to chronicle the journey, to inspire others, and to remind myself that we're all on a pilgrimage.

Video and audio links:
Promo Trailer 1 for the Psalm Project

General Updates:
click here

Book Updates:
Liber Psalmorum - The Book of Psalms as a collaborative endeavor
click here for the dedicated page of the Liber Psalmorum Project

Home Calendar

All material contained herein, including website design, is copyright © Patrick Valentino, unless otherwise credited.
All rights reserved. No content on this website may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission.