Danzar con Duende (V.89)
Based on the philosophy
of the Duende and using
the poetry of Federico García Lorca, Danzar con Duende
is a dramatic mixed ensemble work scored for mezzo-
soprano, baritone, violin, saxophone, cello, piano, and percussion.
The Duende is a demonic creative force,
a kind of anti-muse
with which the creator of art must struggle with rather than
passively recieve inspiration from. In the work, the text of the
poems (set in Spanish) provide a loose narrative for the baritone,
representing the creator of art, as he learns of and struggles with
the Duende (mezzo), ultimately reaching transcendence.
It is possible for the work to be staged as an operatic scene, as
well as to be performed with spatial positioning of instruments
for dramatic effect.
Sample pages from Danzar con Duende
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