(from Scénes, V.87 #26)
for voice
An unaccompanied vocalise for solo female voice, range G3-F#5.
The idea behind Scénes
was to create a new set of etudes for every major instrument, which
could also be used as concert pieces. As concert pieces, they must
exhibit a certain degree of musical worth and engender emotional
interest on the part of the
audience; as etudes, they must, in a relatively short span of time,
provide challenges intended
to sharpen specific aspects of virtuosity on each instrument. Vocalise, the final work in the
set, has a spanish feel and incorporates improvisation, pitch
centering, mode mixture, internal
rhythm, phrasing and ornamentation.
(Although this work is
intended to be unaccompanied, a very basic outline is given, for the
singer to use during practice,
and perhaps to be in
a soft
instrument, the rhythms in pitchless percussion, for support during

First page of the score to Vocalise
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