Awakening Soul (V.82)
An eclectic chamber work scored for clarinet, violin, cello, organ, at
least 2 percussionists (playing various gongs, cymbals, traps,
keyboards, and ethnic drums), soprano soloist and choirs. (men's and
women's choruses, and 2 SATB choirs or quartets)
Scored mostly in spatial notation and liberal enough to allow staging
and movement of players during performance, Awakening Soul is a multimedia work
of great dramatic depth.
Soul is an expression of the struggle of the artist in a world
which seems only to quash his creative and emotional impulses. Most of
instruments are specified by generic type rather than specific kind,
and the work itself includes
many instances of aleatory music, spacial notation, and group
improvisation. As for the choirs,
they are also improvised in content and performance.
(For the premiere, I
used a
men's TTBB, women's SSAA, two SATB quartets, and the soprano soloist, placed
antiphonally around the hall. For the finale, they all merged and sang
in front of the stage, facing
away from the
audience, and the acoustic of the hall carried their voices everywhere.)
Purchase includes complete part
list and a choral license for any size choir

Page 1 of the score to Awakening Soul
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