Mécanique Démolie (V.114)
Tribut à Erik Satie
A tribute to the artistic contributions of Erik Satie, Mécanique Démolie (fr. 'demolished
machine', or 'demolished technique'). This single-movement work for
string quartet does not imitate Satie's compositional style as
much as seeks to spread understanding of his artistic philosophy.
.....from the prefatory notes:
The profound thing about
Satie’s music is that there is no secret profound thing about Satie’s
music; it is music for the sake of being music, yet earns its merit
through a clear and elegant presentation of material, a novel harmonic
language, and a matter-of-fact humility, a complete lack of pretense or
The impact of Satie is that he, through his elegant art, reminded us
never to take anything - life, art, or most importantly entertainment -
too seriously. Thus the listener of Satie can be passively lulled by
its charm, or deeply affected by the awe of its elegance. Surely Satie
intended neither (in most cases) but it illustrates the dynamic,
multifaceted nature of his work. That which was written to be nothing,
and contains nothing, becomes only what we the listener want it to be;
and thus in it, we see only a reflection of ourselves.

first page of the score to
Mécanique Démolie
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