Prelude in C# Minor, Op32 #2 (Rachmaninov)
Rachmaninov's piano works, like those of Chopin or
elude to vivid orchestral colors, often more effectively than their
orchestral works. This orchestration of Rachmaninov's famous
Prelude #2, Op32 exploits all the rich texture and effect with which
the original work was imbued, from the most grandiose tutti gestures
to the most subtle shadings of tonal color.
Scored for pairs of flutes, oboes,
clarinets (in A) and bassoons, with bass clarinet and
contrabassoon; 4
horns, 2 C trumpets, 3 trombones and tuba; timpani, chimes,
and cymbals, and divisi strings. 4 minutes 30 seconds, 63 measures.

Page 1 of the score to Prelude
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