Mass of St. Vincent de Paul (V.134)
From Three Liturgical Masses

These three masses (Vv 133, 134, and 135) were written for the choir and congregation at Sancta Maria Maris Stella Parish in Beverly, MA. As a cycle, they serve the needs of the church throughout the year by providing easily sung Mass settings for ordinary time (V133), Lent and Advent (V134) and Christmastide/Eastertide (V135).

They are accompanied only by organ and are significantly easier than Masses 108-110 for the congregation to sing all responses and ordinaries, and also contain melodic formulas for the priest and deacon to intone various parts of the Mass.

They are not concert works but are intended for real church use, and can be presented with or without choir, and in some indicated places with or without organ. Purchase of a license of these Masses also includes unlimited permission to print the solo melodic line for congregational use.

Please note: These Masses contain the Mass Ordinary and most of the liturgical dialogues. Organ solos are not part of these Masses, and the Vincent de Paul Mass, intended for Lent and Advent, does not contain a Gloria. Click below to explore:
Ordinary Time: Missa Maris Stella       Christmas/Eastertide: Mass of St. Julie

Pricing Policy for choral scores:
I will mail a hard copy, and email a copy in PDF as a master, for each order.
These copies bear the name of the ensemble on them, and serve as a license for printing up to:

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AGNUS DEI (Lamb of God)

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